1. Scientific Journals of The University College of Tourism and Ecology are published every six months.
  2. An article, as well as "Application Form" (Appendix 1 in Polish or English) should be prepared in the format compatible with MS Word and delivered via e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The body of the e-mail should contain: the article's title, Authors of the publication names, academic degrees and titles, workplace along with the corresponding address, phone number and e-mail address.
  3. The length of the article (including tables and figures) should not exceed 1 publishing sheet. Exceptions are made for articles reporting on extensive scientific work, yet only after prior consultation with the Editorial Board.
  4. The article shall be submitted in the C5 format (single interline spacing, margins (left, right, top and bottom) - 2 cm, font Times New Roman size 11)); each first line of a paragraph should be marked with the tab key "Tab".
  5. Authors name, along with the academic title and affiliation (i.e. the name and address of the institution that the Author represents), should be included in top left corner of the publication. A title, the abstract and keywords should be listed below, in the middle part of the page.
  6. At the beginning of the article there should be an abstract prepared in Polish and entitled Streszczenie (in English -Abstract), consisting of between 50 and 200 words, font size 10. Under the abstract prepared in Polish there should be Słowa kluczowe section consisting of up to six keywords. The abstract prepared in English should be followed by Keywords section consisting of up to six words.
  7. The article should be divided into chapters, for example: Introduction, Research, Conclusions; other titles are also admissible, depending on the nature of the article.
  8. In Communiques, a summary, abstract, keywords and clear division into chapters are not required.
  9. Tables and figures should form part of the main text; a figure number written in Arabic numerals (e.g. table 1, figure 1) and description (font size 9) should be included above the tables and below the drawings. They must be prepared in such a way that tables or drawings are understandable without the necessity to consult the main text. If figures and tables are borrowed from external sources, relevant source should be indicated below (font size  9).
  10. Footnotes: it is preferable that footnotes are numbered separately on each page. It is allowed to use Harvard footnotes, however chosen style should be used consequently throughout the work.
  11. Bibliography section, containing list of the literature used by the Author, should be prepared and included at the end of the article.